How and why I started Voyager Arts
Voyager Arts is created from many many ideas I had. I knew I always wanted a webshop and I always wanted to sell items I’d made but I never really knew of what or why would anybody buy from me? Yea, that is why I just started! I love working with colours and paints so my first products I will sell are paints! Hand made with lots of love and all with sustainable and responsibly-sourced materials. The name Voyager came from my love of space and travel. You probably know about the space probes Voyager 1 & Voyager 2, they keep exploring new things every day! Thats what I want. Thats what I want to give to you. Keep learning, keep exploring and always keep curious!

But why this site you ask?
Good question! so, since I love to make things and cannot keep everything for myself I want you to be able to buy some! Take a look at my shop and support my small business. Most of the items I am selling on my site are handmade or items I definetly would buy myself. I only sell items I own myself or know they are good. I also made this site for.. well.. me. I first wanted 2 sites.. but that didnt work out great. Thats why you will find my portfolio on here as well and you can also check my blog about travels or art making! Whatever suits you 🙂

Ilse Bouwmeester
About Ilse
Ever since I was very little I was always traveling and drawing or making ‘art’. My parents always took me to places most people would not go to. We traveled with the caravan for 4 weeks around and never were anywhere longer than a week. I always had to bring many drawing stuff and in every store you could find me in the stationary section!
So, my love for stationary and arts has always been there, same for traveling. This is why Voyager Arts is a perfect fit for the name of my website! I love making things not only art but since I have done a workshop about making watercolours i fell in love with working with pigments! You will also find some geeky stuff on my website and not only art or art materials. I am kinda nerdy… I really love Nintendo and to play board games. Not so long ago I got into Magic The Gathering and yea, i am addicted to it! Every order will receive a sneaky MTG card from me 🙂
So, My website is mainly arts but with an geeky twist! Hope you will like it as much as I do!

Another small note
This shop I run by myself. I am trying to be as sustainable as possible. Please respect my site and products I am selling I make them with the most of love and kindness.
Do you have a question or want me to tell something?
Do not hesistate to contact me. If you notice something wrong on my website please let me know. If you want to ask me something, send me a message. I am always open for your feedback!

Please do check my portfolio if you want to know more about all the things I have made. You can also go to my shop and see what items I have in store.